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FedRAMP is updating documentation and templates to align with the new Office of Management and Budget Memo, (M-24-15, "Modernizing FedRAMP") by removing or replacing Joint Authorization Board (JAB) references and other related changes. Updates will be captured on this page with the new publication date.
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Preparation Phase
January 17, 2025
CSP Authorization Playbook
This CSP Authorization Playbook provides an overview of all of the partners involved in a FedRAMP authorization, things to consider when determining your authorization strategy, the types of authorizations, and important considerations for your offering when working with FedRAMP.
[File Info: PDF - 1.5MB]
Authorization Phase
December 6, 2024
SSP Appendix M - Integrated Inventory Workbook Template
The FedRAMP Integrated Inventory Workbook Template consolidates all of the inventory information previously required in five FedRAMP templates that included the SSP, ISCP, SAP, SAR, and POA&M.
[File Info: excel - 254 KB]
Authorization Phase
December 6, 2024
SSP Appendix G - Information System Contingency Plan (ISCP) Template
This template supports the ISCP requirements for FedRAMP. An ISCP denotes interim measures to recover information system services following an unprecedented emergency or system disruption.
[File Info: word - 156 KB]
Authorization Phase
December 6, 2024
FedRAMP Security Assessment Report (SAR) Template
The FedRAMP SAR Template provides a framework for 3PAOs to evaluate a cloud system’s implementation of and compliance with system-specific, baseline security controls required by FedRAMP. This SAR template is used to document assessment results associated with Initial Assessments, Annual Assessments, and Significant Change Requests.
[File Info: word - 152 KB]
Key Agency Documents
December 6, 2024
Agency Authorization Playbook
A compilation of best practices, tips, and step-by-step guidance for Agencies seeking to implement ATOs.
[File Info: PDF - 750 KB]
Continuous Monitoring Phase
December 4, 2024
FedRAMP Continuous Monitoring Deliverables Template
This template is used to identify the schedule and location for monthly and annual continuous monitoring deliverables.
[File Info: excel - 127KB]
Continuous Monitoring Phase
November 19, 2024
Continuous Monitoring Monthly Executive Summary Template
This form provides FedRAMP and Agency Authorizing Officials (AOs) with an executive summary of the monthly continuous monitoring submission from a CSP. It includes references to all files that should be reviewed with that submission. The ConMon Executive Summary is updated and submitted with every monthly continuous monitoring submission by the CSP.
[File Info: excel - 19.2MB]
Authorization Phase
November 8, 2024
FedRAMP SAR Appendix B - Moderate Security Requirements Traceability Matrix Template
The FedRAMP Moderate Security Requirements Traceability Matrix Template provides a standard risk and controls template for assessing baseline controls and helps to drive consistency in 3PAO annual assessment testing. 3PAOs use this workbook to test selected baseline controls per required test procedures and document any control deficiencies and findings.
[File Info: excel - 1.7MB]
Authorization Phase
November 8, 2024
FedRAMP SAR Appendix B - Low Security Requirements Traceability Matrix Template
The FedRAMP Low Security Requirements Traceability Matrix Template provides a standard risk and controls template for assessing baseline controls and helps to drive consistency in 3PAO annual assessment testing. 3PAOs use this workbook to test selected baseline controls per required test procedures and document any control deficiencies and findings.
[File Info: excel - 1.6MB]
Authorization Phase
November 8, 2024
FedRAMP SAR Appendix B - High Security Requirements Traceability Matrix Template
The FedRAMP High Security Requirements Traceability Matrix Template provides a standard risk and controls template for assessing baseline controls and helps to drive consistency in 3PAO annual assessment testing. 3PAOs use this workbook to test selected baseline controls per required test procedures and document any control deficiencies and findings.
[File Info: excel - 1.7MB]
Key Assessor Documents
October 17, 2024
3PAO Readiness Assessment Report Guide
This document provides 3PAOs with guidance on how best to utilize the Readiness Assessment Report (RAR). It provides a shared understanding of the RAR’s intent, process, and best practices in service of improving the likelihood of 3PAOs successfully completing the RAR.
[File Info: PDF - 410KB]
Authorization Phase
September 30, 2024
SSP Appendix A - High FedRAMP Security Controls
The SSP Appendix A High FedRAMP Security Controls template provides the FedRAMP High baseline security control requirements for High impact cloud systems.
[File Info: word - 578KB]
Continuous Monitoring Phase
September 30, 2024
Incident Communications Procedures
This document supports the Incident Communication Procedure for FedRAMP. This Incident Communication Procedure outlines the measures to consider so all parties effectively communicate during a security incident incurred by a FedRAMP authorized CSP.
[File Info: PDF - 328KB]
Continuous Monitoring Phase
August 8, 2024
FedRAMP Vulnerability Deviation Request Form
This form provides a standardized method to document deviation requests and is used to document Risk Adjustments, False Positives, and Operational Requirements.
[File Info: excel - 156KB]
Authorization Phase
August 8, 2024
FedRAMP H-M-L-Li Review Report Template - Rev. 4
FedRAMP uses this template to review Agency ATO packages.
[File Info: excel - 49KB]
Preparation Phase
May 31, 2024
FedRAMP Moderate Readiness Assessment Report (RAR) Template
The FedRAMP Moderate RAR Template and its underlying assessment are intended to enable FedRAMP to reach a FedRAMP Ready decision for a cloud service offering based on organizational processes and the security capabilities of the system. FedRAMP grants a FedRAMP Ready designation when the information in this report template indicates the CSP is likely to achieve a FedRAMP authorization for the cloud service offering.
[File Info: word - 135KB]
Preparation Phase
May 31, 2024
FedRAMP High Readiness Assessment Report (RAR) Template
The FedRAMP High RAR Template and its underlying assessment are intended to enable FedRAMP to reach a FedRAMP Ready decision for a cloud service offering based on organizational processes and the security capabilities of the system. FedRAMP grants a FedRAMP Ready designation when the information in this report template indicates the CSP is likely to achieve a FedRAMP authorization for the cloud service offering.
[File Info: word - 164KB]
Key Agency Documents
April 30, 2024
FedRAMP Package Access Request Form
Form that must be completed to gain access to a FedRAMP security assessment package.
[File Info: PDF - 285KB]
Authorization Phase
March 29, 2024
SAR Appendix A - FedRAMP Risk Exposure Table (RET) Template
The FedRAMP Risk Exposure Table Template is designed to capture all security weaknesses and deficiencies identified during security assessment testing.
[File Info: excel - 195KB]
Authorization Phase
March 29, 2024
FedRAMP Plan of Action and Milestones (POA&M) Template
The FedRAMP POA&M Template provides a structured framework for aggregating system vulnerabilities and deficiencies through security assessment and continuous monitoring efforts. This template is intended to be used as a tracking tool for risk mitigation in accordance with CSP priorities.
[File Info: excel - 74KB]
Continuous Monitoring Phase
March 4, 2024
Annual Assessment Controls Selection Worksheet
The FedRAMP Annual Assessment Controls Selection Worksheet provides a matrix to assist CSPs, 3PAOs, and Federal Agencies in assessing and tracking control their annual assessment.
[File Info: excel - 19KB]
Authorization Phase
February 15, 2024
SSP Appendix A - Moderate FedRAMP Security Controls
The SSP Appendix A Moderate FedRAMP Security Controls template provides the FedRAMP Moderate baseline security control requirements for Moderate impact cloud systems.
[File Info: word - 508KB]
FedRAMP Program Documents
February 15, 2024
FedRAMP Rev. 4 to Rev. 5 Assessment Controls Selection Template
The FedRAMP Rev. 4 to Rev. 5 Assessment Controls Selection Template is used by CSPs to determine the scope of the assessment associated with the Rev. 4 to Rev. 5 transition.
[File Info: excel - 82KB]
Key Cloud Service Provider Documents
February 15, 2024
Vulnerability Scanning Requirements
This guide describes the vulnerability scan requirements for CSPs that are FedRAMP Authorized, or are seeking a FedRAMP authorization for a cloud service offering.
[File Info: PDF - 320KB]
Continuous Monitoring Phase
February 15, 2024
Annual Assessment Guidance
The FedRAMP Annual Assessment Guidance provides guidance to assist CSPs, 3PAOs, and Federal Agencies in determining the scope of an annual assessment based on NIST SP 800-53, revision 4, FedRAMP baseline security requirements, and FedRAMP continuous monitoring requirements.
[File Info: PDF - 460KB]
Authorization Phase
October 13, 2023
FedRAMP High, Moderate, Low, LI-SaaS Baseline System Security Plan (SSP)
The FedRAMP High, Moderate, Low, LI-SaaS Baseline SSP Template provides the framework to describe the system, the service offering components and features, and its security posture in the relevant diagrams, tables, and security controls of the High, Moderate, Low, or LI-SaaS impact cloud system.
[File Info: word - 848KB]
Authorization Phase
August 30, 2023
SSP Appendix A - Low FedRAMP Security Controls
The SSP Appendix A Low FedRAMP Security Controls template provides the FedRAMP Low baseline security control requirements for Low impact cloud systems.
[File Info: word - 328KB]
Authorization Phase
August 30, 2023
SSP Appendix A - LI-SaaS FedRAMP Security Controls
The SSP Appendix A LI-SaaS FedRAMP Security Controls template provides the FedRAMP baseline security control requirements for LI-SaaS impact cloud systems.
[File Info: word - 284KB]
FedRAMP Program Documents
August 30, 2023
FedRAMP General Document Acceptance Criteria
The purpose of this document is to describe the general document acceptance criteria for FedRAMP to both writers and reviewers. This acceptance criterion applies to all documents FedRAMP reviews that do not have special checklists or acceptance criteria predefined for them.
[File Info: PDF - 282KB]
Continuous Monitoring Phase
August 30, 2023
FedRAMP Collaborative ConMon Quick Guide
This document provides CSPs with a recommended framework for establishing a Collaborative ConMon approach.
[File Info: PDF - 418KB]
Continuous Monitoring Phase
August 30, 2023
Continuous Monitoring Performance Management Guide
This document explains the actions FedRAMP or Agency Authorizing Officials (AOs) may take when a CSP fails to maintain an adequate risk management program for is FedRAMP-authorized cloud service offering. It lays out the escalation processes and procedures as well as minimum mandatory escalation actions FedRAMP or Agency AOs will take when a CSP fails to meet the requirements of the authorization.
[File Info: PDF - 471KB]
Authorization Phase
July 13, 2023
SSP Appendix J - CIS and CRM Workbook
The SSP Appendix J CIS and CRM Workbook template delineates the control responsibilities of CSPs and Federal Agencies and provides a summary of all required controls and enhancements across the system. The template provides the necessary workbooks for High, Moderate, Low, or LI-SaaS impact cloud systems.
[File Info: excel - 152KB]
Authorization Phase
June 30, 2023
SSP Appendix Q - Cryptographic Modules Table
The SSP Appendix Q Cryptographic Modules Table template documents the encryption status of all areas/flows of all data, to include: data at rest, data in transit across the boundary, data in transit within the boundary, remote access mechanisms (e.g., IPSec VPN), key management, key generation, underlying system config (e.g., running in FIPS mode), authentication, and digital signatures.
[File Info: word - 58KB]
Authorization Phase
June 30, 2023
SSP Appendix F - Rules of Behavior (RoB) Template
The FedRAMP RoB Template describes security controls associated with user responsibilities and specific expectations of behavior for following security policies, standards, and procedures.
[File Info: word - 116KB]
Authorization Phase
June 30, 2023
FedRAMP Security Assessment Plan (SAP) Template
The FedRAMP SAP Template is intended for 3PAOs to plan CSP security assessment testing. Once completed, this template constitutes as a plan for testing security controls. This SAP template is used to document the assessment plan associated with Initial Assessments, Annual Assessments, and Significant Change Requests.
[File Info: word - 143KB]
Authorization Phase
June 30, 2023
FedRAMP Laws, Regulations, Standards and Guidance Reference
The FedRAMP Laws and Regulations Template provides a single source for applicable FedRAMP laws, regulations, standards, and guidance.
[File Info: excel - 264KB]
Authorization Phase
June 30, 2023
FedRAMP Initial Authorization Package Checklist
This checklist details the documents required for a complete FedRAMP initial authorization package. CSPs must submit this checklist along with their authorization package so that the FedRAMP PMO can verify their package is complete prior to conducting reviews.
[File Info: excel - 22KB]
FedRAMP Program Documents
May 30, 2023
FedRAMP Security Controls Baseline
This document provides the catalog of FedRAMP High, Moderate, Low, and Tailored LI-SaaS baseline security controls, along with additional guidance and requirements.
[File Info: excel - 573KB]
Key Assessor Documents
April 6, 2023
3PAO Obligations and Performance Guide
This document provides guidance for 3PAOs on demonstrating the quality, independence, and FedRAMP knowledge required as they perform security assessments on cloud systems.
[File Info: PDF - 208KB]
FedRAMP Program Documents
September 1, 2022
Branding Guidance
This document provides guidelines on the use of the FedRAMP name, logo, and marks on all FedRAMP marketing and collateral materials. General guidelines are provided first, followed by more specific guidelines for the two major uses of FedRAMP marks: Designation of FedRAMP 3PAO accreditation and FedRAMP Security Authorization.
[File Info: PDF - 916KB]
Key Agency Documents
July 26, 2022
Reusing Authorizations for Cloud Products Quick Guide
This quick guide outlines steps and guidance to help agencies quickly and efficiently reuse authorized cloud products within the FedRAMP Marketplace.
[File Info: PDF - 74KB]
Continuous Monitoring Phase
June 30, 2022
Penetration Test Guidance
The purpose of this document is to provide guidelines for organizations on planning and conducting Penetration Testing and analyzing and reporting on findings.
[File Info: PDF - 1MB]
FedRAMP Program Documents
June 21, 2022
Subnets White Paper
This white paper is to help our stakeholders understand FedRAMP subnetworks (subnets) requirements. The paper covers what are subnets, why do they matter, and actions cloud service providers (CSPs) should take to ensure compliance.
[File Info: PDF - 506KB]
FedRAMP Program Documents
February 15, 2022
Threat-Based Risk Profiling Methodology White Paper
This white paper describes the methodology behind which security controls and capabilities are most effective to protect, detect, and respond to current prevalent threats. The paper outlines the threat-based scoring approach and its potential applications.
[File Info: PDF - 506KB]
Key Cloud Service Provider Documents
November 23, 2021
Plan of Action and Milestones (POA&M) Template Completion Guide
The FedRAMP POA&M Template Completion Guide provides explicit guidance on how to complete the POA&M Template and provides guidance to ensure that the CSP is meeting POA&M requirements.
[File Info: PDF - 532KB]
Key Cloud Service Provider Documents
July 13, 2021
FedRAMP Authorization Boundary Guidance
This document provides CSPs guidance for developing the authorization boundary for their offering(s) which is required for their FedRAMP authorization package.
[File Info: PDF - 293KB]
FedRAMP Program Documents
March 16, 2021
Vulnerability Scanning Requirements for Containers
This document addresses FedRAMP compliance pertaining to the processes, architecture, and security considerations specific to vulnerability scanning for cloud systems using container technology.
[File Info: PDF - 164KB]
Key Cloud Service Provider Documents
December 11, 2020
Timeliness and Accuracy of Testing Requirements
This document describes the timeliness and accuracy of testing requirements for CSPs seeking a FedRAMP authorization.
[File Info: PDF - 390KB]
Authorization Phase
June 20, 2019
FedRAMP ATO Letter Template
The FedRAMP ATO Template is optional for Agencies to use when granting authorizations for CSOs that meet the FedRAMP requirements.
[File Info: word - 25KB]
Continuous Monitoring Phase
August 28, 2018
FedRAMP Significant Change Form Template
This document was developed to capture the type(s) of system changes requested and the supporting details surrounding requested system changes, including FIPS 199. It can be used to request a significant change within an existing ATO.
[File Info: PDF - 2.1MB]
Continuous Monitoring Phase
August 28, 2018
FedRAMP New Cloud Service Offering (CSO) or Feature Onboarding Request Template
The FedRAMP CSO or Feature Onboarding Request Template is used to capture an accredited 3PAO’s assessment and attestation for onboarding a service or feature to an existing CSP’s system.
[File Info: word - 379KB]
Continuous Monitoring Phase
August 28, 2018
Significant Change Policies and Procedures
This document defines the FedRAMP policies and procedures for making significant changes. It provides requirements, guidance, and actions the FedRAMP PMO, AO, CSP, and 3PAO will take when a CSP wishes to make a significant change to its provisionally authorized cloud service.
[File Info: word - 563KB]
Continuous Monitoring Phase
April 4, 2018
Continuous Monitoring Strategy Guide
This document provides guidance on continuous monitoring and ongoing authorization in support of maintaining a security authorization that meets the FedRAMP requirements.
[File Info: PDF - 1.2MB]
Key Cloud Service Provider Documents
March 20, 2018
Guide for Determining Eligibility and Requirements for the Use of Sampling for Vulnerability Scans
This document provides guidance for CSPs on sampling representative system components rather than scanning every component.
[File Info: PDF - 325KB]
Key Cloud Service Provider Documents
March 20, 2018
Automated Vulnerability Risk Adjustment Framework Guidance
This document provides CSPs with a framework to create and deploy an automated, CVSS-based vulnerability risk adjustment tool for vulnerabilities identified by vulnerability scanning tools. The document is in DRAFT form while FedRAMP pilots this process with CSPs over the next year or so.
[File Info: PDF - 349KB]
Key Cloud Service Provider Documents
May 18, 2017
CSP JAB P-ATO Roles and Responsibilities
This document provides an overview of a CSP’s roles and responsibilities in the JAB P-ATO Process.
[File Info: PDF - 243KB]
FedRAMP Program Documents
December 8, 2011
FedRAMP Policy Memo
This memorandum: 1) establishes Federal policy for the protection of Federal information in cloud services; 2) describes the key components of FedRAMP and its operational capabilities; 3) defines Executive department and Agency responsibilities in developing, implementing, operating, and maintaining FedRAMP; and 4) defines the requirements for Executive departments and Agencies using FedRAMP in the acquisition of cloud services.
[File Info: PDF - 208KB]